S1, E7. West Syndrome: Fatherhood, advocacy and men’s mental health

Matt’s rare journey began when his young son Charlie was diagnosed with a rare and catastrophic form of epilepsy known as Infantile spasms (West Syndrome). Charlie’s complex needs and disabilities have changed life for Matt and his family. Matt talks honestly about his mental health, and the realities of adapting to a life that is so different from the one you imagined.

After 18 months, and with Charlie now suffering over a hundred seizures per day Matt and his wife Ali were told that the NHS could do nothing more to control his seizures. It was at this point that Matt became an active campaigner and advocate for Charlie, adding his voice to the campaign for NHS access to medical cannabis.

S1, E7. West Syndrome: Fatherhood, advocacy and men’s mental health
Findacure and Same But Different

S1, E8. Huntington’s disease: Family, uncertainty and living life to the full


S1, E6. Life as a young carer: identity, perceptions and looking after yourself