S1, E8. Huntington’s disease: Family, uncertainty and living life to the full

Ashley wears many hats in the Huntington’s disease (HD) community as a carer for her dad, employee at Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland and a blogger who writes about her experiences. Ashley is yet to fully know all the ways in which HD may manifest itself in her life as there remains a 50% chance that she may develop the disease herself in the future. 

She talks openly about her feelings towards being a carer and potential carrier of HD, the misunderstanding that accompanies the question of genetic testing and the way her perception of and feelings towards HD and life have changed over time.

Whatever uncertainty the future holds, Ashley is determined to grab the present by the horns and live her life to the fullest by cherishing the small things and making each day count.

S1, E8. Huntington’s disease: Family, uncertainty and living life to the full
Findacure and Same But Different

S2, E1. Poland Syndrome: Bodies and boobs from adolescence to advocacy


S1, E7. West Syndrome: Fatherhood, advocacy and men’s mental health