S1, E1. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Motherhood, acceptance and finding happiness

Shelley Simmond’s life was forever changed by the birth of her second child Fraser, who was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy in February 2014; a rare, genetic, progressive and life-limiting condition. Shelley speaks about how she and her family have found their pathway back to happiness, after their lives fell apart at this unexpected and earth shattering news.

Shelley is passionate about accessibility, inclusion, independence and equality for everyone, and is now recognised as a community champion for her advocacy and campaign work for the Duchenne community. She has made it her mission to teach others what Fraser has taught her, and shares their journey through her immensely popular Facebook page ‘Fraser & Friends’.

Please note this episode contains conversation about suicide.

Follow Fraser & Friends here: www.facebook.com/fraserandfriends

Shelley is also on twitter: www.twitter.com/Shelley_Simmo

Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Motherhood, acceptance and finding happiness
Findacure and Same But Different

S1, E2. Hunter Syndrome: Motherhood, grief and loss